Forty years ago, four women sat around a kitchen table, talking about the need for programs for bright children. From this humble beginning, through much hard work of dedicated teachers and volunteers, Gifted Resource Council was born.
Programming started with classes that evolved into our current Learning Lab program. GRC’s Space Academy was our first summer program in 1984, followed by Ancient Academy in 1986. Academic Challenge Cup, our friendly competitions in math, language, and creative problem solving, started in 1984 with a pilot program of only two school districts participating.
For a few years, starting in 1998, GRC even offered trips to Ecuador as part of the Amazon Rainforest Student Research Project!
Check out our most recent Mindwonders newsletter Dec. 2023!
Today, GRC continues Learning Labs, Summer Academies, and the Academic Challenge Cup, in addition to our parenting classes which help families meet the needs of challenging and supporting bright children.
40th Anniversary
GRC is thrilled to be celebrating 40 years in 2023!
We had a fantastic birthday party on April 30, 2023! GRC honored 10 teachers who have devoted 20 or more years to teaching with GRC.
If you have any special memories of GRC please take a few moments to share them with us!

Our Team
Our Board of Directors
Kathy Surratt-States, President
Steve Murphy, Vice-President
Sandy Kalin, Secretary
Ron Carron, Treasurer
Steve Krekeler
Julia Maranan
Agnes Meyo, Psy.D.
Morgan Moody, Ph.D.
Dennis Pelligrini
Eliot Prokop
Debbie Pyzyk
Pam Washington, Ph.D.
Our Advisory Committee
Mary Angert
Beverly K. Berla
Laura Bryant
Robert Coulter, Ed.D.
Christopher Dadian
Sue Flesch
Richard Heuermann
Lisa McLaughlin
Linda H. Smith, Ph.D.