Opportunities for Educators
Are you a certified teacher looking for a fun new challenge? GRC is always looking for qualified educators to teach our Learning Lab enrichment classes in the fall and winter. We also have more limited opportunities available during our Summer Academies program.
If you’d like to learn more, please contact Executive Director Laura Falk at or (314) 962-5920. (Gifted certification preferred, but not required.)

Professional Development
(Through Gifted Association of Missouri)
Monday, November 18–Lesson Plan Share Out Hosted by Tracy Bednarick-Humes (GAM President and
Lindbergh School Gifted Coordinator)
Drop in to pick up some fun ideas for bringing creativity and
problem solving lessons to your gifted students.
● Lesson 1: Designing for Others–Tracy Bednarick-Humes
● Lesson 2: Gifted Curriculum Ideas Grades 3-5–Jennifer Blank (Region 8 Representative)
● Lesson 3: Six Bricks Challenges–Michelle Bobo (Region 6 Representative)
Register here:
Monday, January 13–New Gifted Education Program Guidelines with Christine Nobbe (State Director of
Gifted Education)
Happy New Year! Happy New Gifted Education Program Guidelines! Happy New State Statutes! Join Christine Nobbe, DESE’s Director of Gifted Education, for an update on Gifted Education in
Missouri. Beyond the new guidelines and statutes, the Portrait of a Gifted Learner and Missouri Gifted Learner Outcomes will be discussed.
Register here:
Monday, April 14–Supporting Gifted Kids in a General Education Classroom with Jennifer Hawkins (GAM
Executive Secretary)
As gifted educators, it’s important that we make sure our students continue to learn when they go back to their general education classrooms. Learn ways to differentiate curriculum using interventions and extensions for “Those Who Already Know It.“
Register here: